Reminder: LFCU will never call or text members and ask for detailed personal information.

Be on the lookout for individuals impersonating LFCU through phone, email, or text messaging. They may sound convincing, and they will try to acquire personal information. They are using tactics like “spoofing.” This will make it appear as if the telephone numbers and text messages were initiated from LFCU, displaying our name and phone number. These messages are not legitimate and are not from the Credit Union. You should delete the message or end the call immediately.

If you received a phone call or text message that may not be legitimate, please call LFCU directly for verification at 717.272.2210. LFCU will never ask for online banking login credentials or security codes.

Please consider checking your accounts regularly though NetTeller Online banking or the LFCU Mobile App.

The Credit Union has robust cybersecurity protections in place. Part of those efforts include communication to and from our members and requesting your help in being vigilant against those trying to commit fraud.

Seniors Apply Today for LFCU's Future Leader Scholarship Award. $2,500 will be awarded! Deadline April 1st.Learn More >>